We all know that your wedding dress is possibly the most important item of clothing you will ever buy and choosing it should be a very special and memorable event – we pride ourselves in making sure your experience at The Wedding Room is the very best it can be. We choose the dresses we have to offer our brides VERY carefully, making sure we have something for every bride, but after a while dresses become discontinued and we have to move our gorgeous dresses on to the sample rail, it’s a sad day for us because it means we are no longer able to order dresses both ourselves and our brides love.


Now is your chance to own one of these gorgeous gowns at a hugely reduced price, perfect for brides on a budget or for saving a little of the dress budget to go to something else. Our favourites are some luxurious underwear or those shoes that seem devilishly impractical and self indulgent – we say GO FOR IT !

In store we have over thirty sample dresses, we do not always go for set ‘sample sale’ days, we know our dresses well and if a bride guides us to a style we know we have available in a sample then we will always offer it – finding your perfect dress is paramount to us.

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We currently have sample dresses available from the following designers.

Stella York, Lou Lou Bridal, La Sposa,

Eliza Jane Howell, Lillian West and Lusan Mandongus

To make an appointment to come and see us and our dresses call 0115 9258876.