…..I am thrilled to introduce you to Katrina.
Katrina will be featuring on The Wedding Room blog page regularly from now on. As The Wedding Room gets busier and busier we are building a strong successful team to inspire you with wedding wonderment. So without further a do I am happy to leave you in the fabulous hands of Katrina.
Hello everyone my name is Katrina and Mary has asked me to be a guest blogger for The Wedding Room. I am really excited about this and I thought I’d tell you a little bit about me.
I’ve been writing professionally on and off now for 20 years, but never about as gorgeous a subject as weddings! I’ve written about such diverse/crazy topics as North Sea Oil rigs, purchasing for the NHS, asthma inhaler training guides and building trains; so girls you now understand why this is much more up my street. I’ve lived and worked in the UK, Canada, Germany and Australia so hope that some of that experience can be thrown into the mix here.
When Mary suggested writing here regularly I jumped at the opportunity to let my creative side run riot – I will imagine that I’m a bride to be and the world is my oyster – well, maybe my cod and chips, as times are tough girls and we like to be canny spenders So what inspires me? I lurve quirky patterns and detailing, everything vintage, crafty ideas, cool photography and things that make you feel good happy. … I got married in 2003 to Mark, but I hope I can help to inspire you as I’d love to do it all again – with the same groom of course:)
Taraa for now , Katrina x
Thank you Katrina, so great to have you on board and I for one am looking forward to you bombarding our pages with lots of loveliness!